

The Institute of Children’sProducts and Leisure (AIJU) wasfounded in June 1985 with the aim of supporting the development of the toyindustry. Today, AIJU has expandeditsactivity and has become a point of referencewithinindustrialsectors of childrenproducts and leisure. The instituteoffers high technological value services to companiesfromdifferentfields. Likewise, itdevelops R&D projectsrelated to childhood and leisure, innovativematerials, technical production processes, technological applications in the development of children’sproducts, therapeuticleisure for health, energy and sustainability, etc.

Partner’s contact

Ana León


CEIV (CLUSTER OF TOY VALLEY REGION) is a combination of companieslocated in the Toy Valleythat has as main aims:

  • To encourage innovation in design
  • To increaseour international business presence
  • To strengthen business management
  • To improve the efficiency in production processes
Partner’s contact

Alejandro Fernández de Mera


IVACE, as the RegionalDevelopment Agency of the ValencianRegioniscommitted to fostering innovation throughcooperation and technlogytransfer in all major manufacturingsectors in the region, the plastic sectorbeing a remarkable one of them.

Overall infrastructure for technologytransfer services isprovided by IVACE as lead of the EEN Network for the regions of Valencia and Murcia .

Furthermore, technologytransferprojects are financed by IVACE via yearlyissuedschemes of grants and loanswhich are ESIF based.

Partner’s contact

Francisco Ferrando


The Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB) parent institution is the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Foundedin 1995, the Institute for Condensed MatterChemistry of Bordeaux activitiesincludebothfundamental and appliedresearch and focus on 3 domains: Solid State Chemistry, Materials Science and Molecular Science.

ICMCB has extensive expertise in design, synthesis, shaping and characterization of materials, with the goal to explore and optimizetheirfunctionalities. This wide scope and a large, complementaryspectrum of methodsavailable, generatefruitful synergies betweenourfaculty (researchers, engineers and technical staff) – a key factor contributing to the outstandingreputation of the ICMCB.

Partner’s contact

Stéphane Gorsse


CENTIMFE, the Technological Centre for the MouldMaking, SpecialTooling and Plastic Industries, is a Portuguese non-profit organisation foundedin 1991 whose main goal is to support the technologicaldevelopment of the mould and plastics sectors in Portugal. The organisation currently has around 200 associates and acts as the natural interface between the industry, mainlySMEs, and RTD entities, promotingtechnical, technological and training support to SMEs in key areas for the Tooling and Plastics Industries, developing R&D projects and providingadded-value engineering and support consultancy services. Itstechnical intervention areas ranges fromproduct and process engineering, injection moulding, additive manufacturing, processesreengineering, technologywatch and intelligence, metrology, quality, ITs, Innovation and IPR management.

Partner’s contact

Technology Intelligence