

SAMT SUDOE project at IN3DUSTRY Congress

From 3rd to 5th October the event IN(3D)USTRY was held in Barcelona. This congress has become a manufacturing global hub for additive and advanced technologies. Its aim is to articulate and work on how the 3D Printing industry can provide new possibilities to cover manufacturers’ needs, giving new solutions to their problems.

According to the organisers, the event will serve as a vehicle to find the latest manufacturing paradigm, the path to optimise the organisations workflow, to meet with high level decision makers that can influence the market, be in contact with the additive and advanced manufacturing and share best practices.

Therefore, as the SAMT SUDOE pursue is focused on Key Enabling Technologies (KET) such as additive manufacturing, 3D printing and advanced materials, it was compulsory for the project to be present in order to become up to date of the latest advances on the technologies. On the other side, as the SAMT SUDOE project is focused on transferring the results to the industry, it is necessary to be aware of the needs the sector has and try to address them when transferring the outputs.

As a conclusion, it is noticeable the way in which 3D printing technologies are relevant in the current industry as well as the progress these technologies are being done steadily and fast. Therefore, it makes difficult for the industry to assimilate all the innovations. Accordingly, the SAMT SUDOE project becomes more and more pertinent for the industry deployment of the latest advances in these technologies and related advanced materials.


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